The best game project in DayZ


The cross displays the characters current health status. The amount of health determines the characters movement speed and overall mobility.

Blood volume

The blood icon displays the current volume of blood in the characters body. The color rendition of the game world depends on the amount of blood. If the blood value is low, the character may lose consciousness.


Temperature plays a key role in your characters overall well-being - it is one of the determining factors. When a character spawns, his temperature is 35.2-36.8, which is acceptable.


The water icon in the DayZ game interface indicates the characters hydration level. It shows how much the character needs drinking water. If the water icon is low, it means the character is thirsty. To replenish the water supply, the player can use various sources, such as rivers, wells or a water bottle.


The food icon in the DayZ interface is an indicator of your characters hunger level. This icon shows how empty your characters stomach is, and their hunger level will decrease over time. When your hunger level drops to a certain point, your character will begin to experience negative effects such as a drop in energy and health, which can lead to death from starvation.


A fracture is a complete or partial disruption of the integrity of a bone resulting from an impact that exceeds the strength characteristics of bone tissue. If you try to move while standing, the character will lose consciousness. To partially heal the fracture, you can apply a splint or use morphine. The fracture will heal on its own in 27 minutes.


The release of blood beyond the vascular bed or heart into the environment (open bleeding). The number after the bleeding icon indicates the number of open wounds. The more open wounds you have, the faster the blood will drain.

Action of the medicine

The pill icon in DayZ means that your characters body is affected by some kind of medication. Attention! There is no need to take several tablets at once; you need to wait until the effect of the first tablet ends, and only then take the next one.

Getting wet

This interface icon means that the things on your character are wet and the character is actively losing heat. To avoid getting wet, use waterproof equipment and dry near the fire.

Leg injury

This icon displays the degree of damage to the leg. If your leg accumulates critical damage, your character will suffer a fracture and will not be able to move normally.

Loss of mobility

Loss of consciousness


This scale displays the total stamina reserve, available stamina reserve, stamina consumption, character stance and audibility of sounds made.


The blot icon in the DayZ interface indicates that the character has an illness and needs medical treatment.

Stomach fullness

The stomach icon represents a fullness indicator or precedes the eruption of stomach contents.

Passive Skills

This scale shows your characters propensity for one of two passive skills.