A carefully crafted replica of a medieval breastplate. Designed to protect the chest and abdomen in fierce sword battles. Not very effective against bullets, but can take a good hit.
Weight: 5 kg
Size: 5x5
The time of life on earth: 240 min
A signal vest often used by road workers.
Weight: 0.25 kg
Size: 2x3
The time of life on earth: 480 min
A lightweight sleeveless vest used by hunters. It offers virtually no protection, but it does have pockets. Does not hinder movement.
Weight: 2 kg
Size: 2x3
The time of life on earth: 240 min
A fully adjustable vest with multiple pockets designed to hold everything a soldier needs to survive for days.
Weight: 2 kg
Size: 3x3
The time of life on earth: 240 min
Standard multi-layer police vest. Capable of preventing damage from piercing weapons.
Weight: 4 kg
Size: 4x3
The time of life on earth: 120 min
A lightweight and useful vest that can be used to hang a versatile fanny pack.
Weight: 0.25 kg
Size: 3x3
The time of life on earth: 240 min
A tactical vest designed to allow you to carry as much gear as possible without compromising your mobility.
Weight: 2 kg
Size: 3x4
The time of life on earth: 240 min
Ballistic vest. Well absorbs impacts of various types. Used by various organizations around the world.
Weight: 7 kg
Size: 4x4
The time of life on earth: 240 min
Body armor reinforced with rigid armor plates. Absorbs various types of impacts well. You can attach a holster and additional pockets to it.
Weight: 12 kg
Size: 5x5
The time of life on earth: 240 min