The best game project in DayZ


Battery-powered flashlight. Functional enough to provide more than just a narrow cone of light.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1х3

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Requires 9v battery for operation

Fireworks Launcher

A whole box of fireworks that will brighten up any party. Even though it is slightly damaged and wet, the fireworks are most likely still usable. Do not light indoors and stay away from fireworks once ignited.

Weight: 5 kg

Size: 4x4

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Gas lamp

Gas-powered portable lamp. Suitable for camping. With her, your Chernar nights will be a little brighter. The operating time depends on the volume of the cylinder used.

Weight: 1 kg

Size: 3x4

The time of life on earth: 480 min


A torch made from a long stick. Maximum burning time is 30 minutes. You can use rags or bandages as fuel.

Weight: 1 kg

Size: 1x8

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Flashlight for pistol

Flashlight. Can be attached to a gun with a rack mount. Gives a tactical advantage. To operate, you need to install a 9V battery.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Requires 9v battery for operation

False flare

Emergency signal checker. Burns with a red flame, bright enough to illuminate the surrounding area at night. You can also use it to light a fire or signal an ally.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x3

The time of life on earth: 240 min


Autonomous disposable light source. Once the reaction starts, it can no longer be turned off. Good for marking areas in the dark.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 240 min