The best game project in DayZ

Disinfectant spray

Bottle of disinfectant. In theory, it should kill viruses and bacteria, as well as eliminate germs and unwanted odors.

Weight: 1 kg

Size: 1x3

The time of life on earth: 240 min


Alcoholic tincture

Time-tested alcoholic tincture with herbs. You can disinfect rags or a wound

Weight: 0.5 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 240 min


Iodine tincture

A common antiseptic used to treat open wounds. This is a solution of iodine and potassium iodide. You can disinfect rags or disinfect a wound

Weight: 0.5 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 480 min


Multivitamin tablets

A small jar with a multivitamin complex that will strengthen your immune system.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Boosts immunity


Used to stop bleeding, but can also be used for other purposes

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Stop the bleeding

Activated carbon

Activated carbon tablets. It is usually used to treat Salmonella, food poisoning or overdose.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 480 min

Cures poisoning

Codeine tablets

Painkiller pill. Suitable for treating mild to moderate pain. Temporarily relieves symptoms of serious injuries (your character will not limp or sneeze for a while).

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 480 min

Restores mobility

Chlorine tablets

Tablets for water purification. Used to chemically disinfect raw water to make it potable. If you drink untreated water, you can get cholera.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 480 min

Sanitizes water

Tetracycline tablets

Wide range of antibiotics. Used to treat Cholera and blood poisoning. Ineffective against viruses.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Cures infection and poisoning

Sewing kit

Universal pocket sewing kit. Will help patch up clothes or wounds.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Stop the bleeding

Antidote PO-X

The label has worn off. All that is visible on it are the letters “RO-X” and a drawing that shows how to use the injector. Remove the cap and press firmly onto the skin. Used to treat toxic poisoning.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 240 min

Treats toxic poisoning


Temporarily relieves symptoms of serious injuries.

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 480 min

Restores mobility


Directly affects the central nervous system and acts as an analgesic. Temporarily relieves symptoms of serious injuries

Weight: 0.25 kg

Size: 1x2

The time of life on earth: 480 min

Restores mobility

Heals a fracture

Chemical heating pad

A small, disposable chemical heating pad that will keep you warm for a while. Helps get rid of symptoms of hypothermia (Hypothermia).